Symbolbild Studierende Universität Jena

For Students

Level up your data competencies.
Symbolbild Studierende Universität Jena
Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)

Data become increasingly important in our society. Thus, abilities regarding the organized handling of data, its conscious application in the respective context and critical questioning represent relevant qualifications. This is not only true for study and research but also in many other fields of work and the general participation in society.

The offers of the project DaLiJe are intended to enable students from all study programmes to improve their competencies regarding the handling of data. There are different ways to participate, that you can select from based on your topical interests and available time.


In collaboration with partners we organize courses and workshops on different topics with regard to handling data. Our focus are especially beginner courses that enable students without prior knowledge to get in contact with important topics, methods and tools.

The courses are open for all students and can be attended individually or as part of the second level of the Data Literacy certificate programme (DaLiJe).

Certificate programme

For all who want to delve deeper into the handling of data, the interdisciplinary Data Literacy certificate programme (DaLiJe) is a good point to start. You can decide for yourself which level fits for you.

The programme offers three levels and a certificate can be rewarded after the successful participation in the respective level. All students at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena are welcome to participate, independent of their discipline. No special prior knowledge is required.

If you are not sure, if the study programme is suitable for you, have a look at our "Why DaLiJe" site.

Information and advice

Do you want to know more about Data Literacy or our services, or would you like to propose additional topics that should be addressed in our courses?

Please contact us:


If you want to stay informed about courses and events regarding Data Literacy skills at the University Jena, join our mailing listExternal link.